Previous Names Nelson Knight (USWA) Mabel (WWF) King Mabel (WWF) Nelson Knight (TNA) Viscera (WWF) Big Vis (WWE RAW) World's Largest Love Machine Big Daddy V. (ECW) King V (NWA/Indy)
Finishing Move(s) Swinging Sidewalk Slam Sitdown Chokebomb
Favorite Move(s) Spinning Heel Kick The Big Splash Visagra (Back Mounted Pelvic Thrusts)
Notable Feuds The Quebecers The Smoking Gunns Diesil The Undertaker Sid Vicious (USWA) Mark Henry Mae Young The Godfather Hardcore Holly Crash Holly Rikishi Trish Stratus The Spellbinder Jerry "The King" Lawler Kane The Heart Throbs Gene Snitsky Lilian Garcia Rob Conway Val Venis Tyson Tomko UMAGA Charlie Haas The Boogeyman C.M. Punk Kane
Title History WWF Tag Team titles w/Mo defeating The Quebecers (March 29, 1994); WWF (World Wrestling Federation) King of the Ring defeating Savio Vega in the Finals (June 25, 1995); WWC (World Wrestling Council) Universal Heavyweight title defeating Carlos Colon (January 7, 1996); OMW (Ozarks Mountain Wrestling) North American Heavyweight title defeating Wolfie D (February 21, 1998) MCW (Music City Wrestling) North American Heavyweight title defeating Wolfie D (February 21, 1998) WWF Hardcore title defeating Tazz (April 2, 2000 – WrestleMania 2000); XWF (Xtreme Wrestling Federation) Heavyweight title defeating ????? (); Memphis Wrestling Southern Heavyweight title defeating Bill Dunde in a tournament final (March 6, 2004); AJPW (All Japan Pro Wrestling) All Asia Tag Team titles w/Taru defeating Akebono & Ryota Hama (April 29, 2010);