Notable Feuds Owen Hart Steve Austin Triple H Mick Foley The Big Show Vince McMahon Kurt Angle Chris Benoit Booker T Chris Jericho Test The Undertaker Hulk Hogan Brock Lesnar The Hurricane Bill Goldberg Evolution John Cena CM Punk
Title History USWA Tag Team Titles w/Bret Sawyer defeating Brickhouse Brown & Reggie B (June 17, 1996); USWA Tag Team Titles w/Bret Sawyer defeating Jerry Lawler & Bill Dunde (July 8, 1996); WWF Intercontinental title defeating Hunter Hearst Helmsley (February 10, 1997 – Tuesday RAW); WWF Intercontinental title defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin (December 8, 1997- RAW); WWF Heavyweight title defeating Mankind [Mick Foley] (November 15, 1998 – Survivor Series); WWF Heavyweight title defeating Mankind [Mick Foley] (January 24, 1999 – Royal Rumble); WWF Heavyweight title defeating Mankind [Mick Foley] (February 15, 1999 – RAW); WWF Tag Team titles w/Mankind defeating The Big Show & The Undertaker (August 30, 1999 – RAW); WWF Tag Team titles w/Mankind defeating The Big Show & Viscera & Mideon (September 20, 1999 – RAW in Houston); WWF Tag Team titles w/Mankind defeating The New Age Outlaws (October 14, 1999 – SmackDown); WWF Royal Rumble Winner last eliminating The Big Show (2000); WWF Heavyweight title defeating Triple H (April 30, 2000 – Backlash); WWF Heavyweight title defeating Triple H (June 25, 2000 – King of the Ring); WWF Tag Team titles w/The Undertaker defeating Edge & Christian (December 18, 2000 – RAW); WWF Heavyweight title defeating Kurt Angle (February 25, 2001 – No Way Out); WCW World Heavyweight title defeating Booker T (August 19, 2001 – Summerslam); WWF Tag Team titles w/Chris Jericho defeating The Dudley Boyz (October 22, 2001 – RAW); WCW World Heavyweight title defeating Chris Jericho (November 5, 2001 – RAW); WWF Heavyweight title defeating The Undertaker (July 21, 2002 - Vengeance);